Scientific Name: Monstera deliciosa

Common Names: Swiss Cheese Plant


The Swiss Cheese Plant is a popular and beloved houseplant known for its large, glossy leaves with distinctive holes.


  • In its natural habitat (rainforests of Central and South America), the Monstera deliciosa can grow to be a massive climber, reaching heights of 60-90 feet (18-27 meters) or more.
  • As a houseplant, it grows at a much slower rate but can still reach impressive sizes.

Leaves: The defining feature of the Swiss Cheese Plant is its large, aerial leaves with characteristic splits and perforations. These holes, which can vary in size and shape, give the plant its nickname “Swiss Cheese Plant.”

Uses: The Swiss Cheese Plant is a popular houseplant due to its:

  • Striking and unique foliage with large, perforated leaves.
  • Air-purifying properties (studies suggest they may help remove some common indoor air pollutants).