Scientific Name: Asparagus officinalis

Common Name: Asparagus, Spargel

Description: The asparagus plant (Asparagus officinalis) is a perennial vegetable prized for its delicious spears that emerge in early spring. It’s a beautiful addition to your garden, offering not only tasty spears but also attractive fern-like foliage later in the season.

Treasured Spring Treat: Asparagus spears are a delectable spring vegetable with a slightly sweet and grassy flavor.

Airborne Beauty: As the season progresses, the asparagus plant transforms, producing feathery green fronds that resemble ferns.

Fall Foliage Flair: In autumn, the asparagus foliage takes on a vibrant yellow or orange hue, adding another layer of visual interest to your garden.

Long-Term Investment: Asparagus beds are a long-term investment, with plants typically producing spears for 15-20 years with proper care. Choose your planting location carefully, keeping in mind its long lifespan.

Starting from Crowns or Seeds: Asparagus can be grown from crowns (established root systems) or seeds.